Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Heritage Day was celebrated at the museum with excellent performances in song and dance from various cultural groups.
The theme for the day was "Harmony within diversity through the Spoken Word". Therefore, some excellent poems on the struggle of the Khoi & San were read by local poet, Selwyn Milborrow.
Excellent dance performances were delivered by the Natyakshetram Indian Dancers who beautifully portrayed the Indian culture through hand, head and feet movements. Similar dances were presented by the KwaMagxaki High School with the Xhosa culture and the young KhoiSan dancers who portrayed beautiful Khoi & San movements.
Further, the KhoiSan choir, who traveled from Joubertina to celebrate National Heritage Day, delivered beautiful songs, especially the Our Father prayer in Khoi language.
The South End Museum also entertained senior citizens from old age homes in the Metro. The day was started off with the marching of 3 bands (Union Congregational Church) from the Feather Market Hall to the museum.
The museum also used this event to open its Khoi & San display area.


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