Friday, November 18, 2005


Februarie 2006: Gedigte-aand met Engelse digters, Kuhne-Boekkooi galery
Digters: Brian Walters, Norman Morrissey, Mzi Mahola, en myself

5 November 2005: SKOP Bekgeveg, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
'n Bekgeveg tussen 'n SKOP span en 'n span veteraanwoordkunstenaars.
Trudie Wegner, Anton Calitz en myself is in die span van veteraandigters

24 September 2005: Heritage day, South End Museum, Nelson Mandela Bay
Heritage Day was celebrated at the museum with excellent performances in song and dance from various cultural groups.
The theme for the day was "Harmony within diversity through the Spoken Word". Therefore, some excellent poems on the struggle of the Khoi & San were read by local poet, Selwyn Milborrow

9 July 2005: Storytelling evening, South End Museum, Nelson Mandela Bay
Poets Jethro Louw, Vincent Oliphant, Mzwandile Matiwane & Mongami Marala

1-8 July 2005: Wordfest - Grahamstown National Arts Festival
Poetry collaboration with Jethro Louw, Mzwandile Matiwana & Mongami Marala

21 June 2005: Poetry Evening, Theodor Herzl School, Walmer, PE
Discussion on writing poetry & reading of poems "winternaggedig" & "ars poetica"
Words fail to describe how proud I am to see how enthusiastic young people are about poetry and music. It is deeply encouraging and bodes well for the future of South African writing. Thanks to Nicola Hare for guiding these young people.

25-27 April 2005: Freedom Day Celebrations, Centenary Hall, New Brighton, PE
Poetry readings & music


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